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Can Prep Rugby Watch change the rugby world?

When I was a senior in high school a website (this is was when the internet was still coming by mail) emerged called MaxPreps. MaxPreps changed high school football (and eventually other sports) by correlating data on teams and players and giving the sport a platform never before seen.

The popularity of high school football and the recruiting landscape for college football today is owed to MaxPreps and the platform it gave players. You can read about how impactful MaxPrep was in this article from the Los Angeles Times.

So that takes us back to the question posed in the title. Can we do it in high school rugby?

Yeah, I think we can.

Our goal is to 'Find the future' of rugby in the American landscape and we hope this website will give players a chance to promote themselves. This country is so big and the landscape of rugby is so fractured that we feel we can fill a void with this website. We are going to work hard to improve our reach and scouting techniques to find more players.

But we need your help.

Please tell anyone and everyone you think can benefit from this site, help players make highlight reels, engage with us on social media, and help us build a community that continues to push rugby into the mainstream!

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